why do yakuza loves whiskey so much

Why do Yakuzas love whiskey?

Taste of Western Sophistication 

The yakuza’s love for whiskey began after the WW2. During the American occupation of Japan after the war, western influcencs flodded the country. Whiskey was introduced as a symbol of luxury, and western modernity. It was a stark contrast to traditional Japanese sake. The yakuza, always quick to adapt and project status, embraces this imported luxury. To drink whiskey was to signal refinement, a worldy edge that set them apart from everyday salaryman. It was bold and rebellious. 

Craftsmanship Respects Craftsmanship - the Japanese Whiskey and the Glass. 

In Japan, craftsmanship is revered like no other countries. The yakuzas despite their criminal reputation, often truly admire the value of this. For example, just take a look at the details of their tattoos called “irezumi”. Japanese whiskey brands like Yamazaki or Nikka is the epitome of this Japanese craftsmanship. Moreover, yakuzas don’t just drink from regular cups. The attention to detail is curated so that even the glass they drink out of is showcasing their assertive power. 

Japanese Whiskey Glass as a Symbol of Brotherhood

In Japanese culture, drinking is a communal ritual. Of course in the yakuza as well. Sharing a bottle of whiskey strengthens bonds, seals deals, and shows respect. The act of pouting a drink for your superior or someone who you respect is a gesture of trust and loyalty. In yakuza where everything is revolved around family and ranks, is is necessary for the boss to have a whiskey glass that depicts his class. 

Power, Prestige and Exclusivity of Yakuza Style

Now, I’ve mentioned the concept of power many times now. In the yakuza, image is everything. Whiskey, in particular, is considered high-end and classy. Thus, the exclusive bottles become that much more significant in the eyes of yakuza and Japanese people. From limited-edition Hibiki bottles to aged Macallan Scotch, the Yakuza’s whiskey collections are as much about taste as they are about signaling influence. The scarcity of these bottles mirrors the Yakuza’s own elusive and exclusive nature.

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